Delta M88H_122 CF
Delta M88H_122 CF
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Maximum profitability
The M88H Inverter has a peak efficiency of 98.8% and has built-in and replaceable AC and DC-side Type II SPDs (surge protection devices). Maximum apparent power 73 kVA / 88 kVA (400 VAC / 480 VAC).
Flexible applications
Suitable for 400V or 480V AC Grid voltage, Al or Cu cables and 18 x MC4 connector pairs (CF) with string monitoring or DC screw terminals (ST). 2 MPP trackers and a high maximum input voltage up to 1100V allow for extra flexibility in system design.
Convenient wiring box
Convenient and separate wiring box available with built-in Type 2 AC and DC SPDs and certified to protection class II. Two variants: CF model includes 2 x 9 pair Multi-Contact MC4 connectors and string fuses; ST model features AC and DC Terminal Blocks.
Cost advantages
Compared to a central inverter, the M88H string inverter (CF version) will not require additional string combiner boxes. Because of the relatively low weight, pickup trucks and simple lifting devices are sufficient for transport and lifting the unit at the installation site.